Being Vulnerable

Written by: Dinelsa Morales, Ph.D, TFC, MSW Intern

For: Hispanic Family Counseling Inc. Newsletter May 2023 Edition

Moments of deep pain, where the soul opens up and you allow yourself to be yourself without masks. It's those moments when you no longer have the skills to be strong, that's where the journey of being vulnerable begins.

The word “vulnerability” comes from the Latin root "Vulnus" which means "wound, blow, misfortune or affliction". There are many moments in which we feel vulnerable, the loss of a loved one, a relationship breakdown, a life crisis, among many other events. The human being is vulnerable in many circumstances and this in no way means that we are weak. On the contrary, it is the opportune moment to allow yourself to receive love and have contact with the world around you; furthermore, that it is the opportune time to discover the door of healing.

We need vulnerability to make way for a sensitive heart that allows itself to be embraced. We need vulnerability to learn to listen to our heart with sincerity. We need the vulnerability to stop pretending that we are against the world or that we know everything. We need vulnerability to heal.

When this space opens up, it is when the human being is more willing to express feelings and recognize needs. So, when vulnerability knocks on your door; embrace it, feel it, allow yourself to be, and respect that important moment to discover your deepest value.

Psalm 31: 1-9

"Your love will be my joy and rejoice! When you saw my affliction and

You knew that my life was in danger, you did not hand me over to the power of my enemies

You put me in a spacious place."


Creating Healthy Habits


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