Do you know, I love you?

Written by: Dinelsa Morales, Ph.D, TFC, MSW intern

For: Hispanic Family Counseling Inc. Newsletter April 2023 Edition

It was the phrase that someone very dear to me repeated every time he saw me. "You know I love you?". In that tone of question with love to remind me that he never forgot about me. The distance or the time did not matter whenever he managed to see me again, not forgetting to give me that kiss on the forehead with that affectionate affirmation that emphasized appreciation, value, respect, affection. Those words penetrated the depths of my being and I multiply them today in my daughters, always reminding them of the importance of loving, making others feel loved and, of course, loving themselves.

The importance of the affirmation of affection and validation in the life of a human being leave deep emotional traces and provide the strengthening of self-esteem. We all need that positive reinforcement that empowers the being.

Just as the affirmations of this wonderful human being who was not of my blood helped me grow so much, how much more powerful are the affirmations of love, validity and affection that you can deposit on yours? And perhaps right now you are talking to yourself saying, it is that they did not teach me to be affectionate, or it is that in my home speaking nicely or cheering others was not practiced?. However, I have to tell you that it is never too late to start practicing it. We must normalize practicing being affectionate with others. The world does not only grow with economy. For a society to become stronger, it needs to develop human beings with healthy self-esteem. Start with yours so that the chain continues to grow in this world where we all need everyone.


¿Que aprendimos de esto? / What did we learn from this?


Making Alliance with my Parts